My perception of this vague source is that these "orders" to shoot down Russians come from the ROE. Doesn't mean it is going to happen, but RAF leadership must define the parameters for their positions pilots to engage Russians if things go sideways.
People need to forget the notion that the Russians are fighting terrorism. The Russians are propping up the Assad regime, that is their sole concern. If there was a group of militant nuns threatening Assad, the Russians would bomb them. ISIS forces facing east probably get a lot less attention than those facing west.
I’m pleased they are propping up Assad. Every alternative is a Sunni jihadi theocracy. Unless you believe the bedtime story about vetted moderate opposition of course.
All the rebels are head choppers.
Uh, yeah. The White House deployed Al-Queda and ISIS to attack Assad, so Russia is fighting Al-Queda and ISIS.
It’s hard to imagine even this White House trying to foment a bloody revolution using nuns.