“Idiots. Once again we yell out to our enemies”
Oh, it’s much worse than that. Russia is not the “enemy” of the American people.
Obama and Hillary are.
Certainly the American Left is our chief enemy - to the point of treason and beyond. Telegraphing responses to bad behavior is merely the tip of their iceberg of crimes.
I cannot prove that the hacking problem is state-sponsored... I do believe that it is very likely that the Russian government is (at a minimum) complicit if not actively engaged. But in general: those attempting to line their pockets with the funds of unsuspecting Americans and/or causing overt damage to our electronic infrastructure do indeed represent enemies to the United States of America, and irrespective of any other considerations, I would absolutely have dealt with this problem years ago.
So yes: I don’t need the Left to identify our enemies (they do such a marvelous job of this, after all). If somebody is messing with the interests of the United States of America, then they are our enemy.