Posted on 10/12/2016 8:40:42 AM PDT by Rennes Templar
Conservative political commentator and former Fox News personality Glenn Beck said that opposing GOP nominee Donald Trump is the moral, ethical choice -- even if it that inadvertently leads to supporting Hillary.
It is not acceptable to ask a moral, dignified man to cast his vote to help elect an immoral man who is absent decency or dignity, he wrote in a Facebook over the weekend. If one helps to elect an immoral man to the highest office, then one is merely validating his immorality, lewdness, and depravity.
Becks comments follow a tumultuous week for the Trump campaign in which dozens of Republicans have either publicly denounced or rescinded their endorsements for their party leader after the release of a video showing Trump making sexually demeaning comments towards women. Unlike many of those in his party, Beck, however, has been an outspoken critic of the business mogul from the very beginning--supporting, instead, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in the primaries. In a recent interview with Vice, Beck said he had briefly considered voting for Mrs. Clinton, but said that he could never.
But he also added this in his Facebook post, If she is elected, the world does not end.... Once elected, Hillary can be fought. Her tactics are blatant and juvenile, and battling her by means of political and procedural maneuvering or through the media , through public marches and online articles, all of that will be moral, worthy of man of principal. Her nominees can be blocked, her proposed laws voted down.
In a post on his website, Beck clarified his remarks about Clinton, saying it doesnt mean hes endorsing or voting for her. . If the election were today, he said, he would vote for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party, but that its subject to change.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Glenn is a charity case getting money from the Clinton Foundation. Apparently. They know he needs cash.
The real "moral, ethical choice" in this matter is to elevate Beck to the head of the "Keepers Of Odd Knowledge" group.
The Cheeto Boy belongs to a cult....what does he know about morality?
Same here. Our local station goes from Hannity to Beck - then a click.
I was thinking the same, his operation is bleeding and hitlary has money.
Dear Mr Beck.. You say you speak truth??...
So Mr Beck ..You have never used the word “pussy?...
even on your days as an alcoholic?...
Cuz I want to know if you’re condemning a man for saying something 11 years ago ...
That you yourself have said
I’m in the St. Louis area and Dana Loesch lived here an had a radio show which I listened to on 97.1 fm. I really enjoyed Dana. She moved to Texas to join the Beck family and got on the Cruz train with Glen. It probably was the greatest mistake of her life. Wonder what she is going to do now.
Just how unethical, illegal and criminal is Hillary as compared to Trump? I’d say miles ahead. If not by her history, we can compare the Wikileaks expose in her unethical National Security violations to Trump. She wins that race hands down. Therefore, Hillary should be a NO VOTE.
The words moral and Beck parted ways long ago. He simply tries to cloak himself in some kind of twisted moral authority to support a very destructive agenda. For the sake of his remaining listeners, I hope he gets some serious psychiatric help. Maybe leave the air for 10 or so years.
It’s such a false righteousness to act as if Trump is the only politician to have ever said lewd things about women.
Small prison for little minds
The Mormons gave Beck Uranus......
Not a chance in Hell...........
I think he jumps a new shark about three of four times a day now...
Absolutely lost his mind.... or we just found out he never had it to begin with.
Beck needs to be institutionalized with no access to a computer.
I’m proud to say I saw through this guy early on. It started with the Jimmy Swaggart tears.
So, it’s morally wrong to vote for an immoral person but by not voting for the immoral person and helping to elect another immoral person is moral? I’d wager Beck would understand what I just posted.
“I was thinking the same, his operation is bleeding and hitlary has money.”
Yeah Soros has tripled his net worth under Obama. Obama gave Petrobas Oil 2 billion of our tax money 4 weeks after Soros bought a large stake in it.
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