2. Without wasting effort by trying to name the most contemptible Trump detractor--or diverting attention from the issues crucial to the very survival of America--we need to put into juxtaposition, the insane narrative of the prissy poseurs, as a class, with the issues that are crucial to any American future. Can anyone, that is any rational person, suggest that Donald Trump's mistake in letting a recounting of a sexual fantasy, eleven years ago, be recorded, is 1/100,000th as important as any of a half dozen issues, where he is for America & Hillary Clinton is not.
3. Again, not getting into wasting time, or building a specific barrier against any sanctimonious twit returning to the cause, as a reformed prodigal; we must organize discussions that compare priorities. The more that we focus on what is really important, the stupider & less principled the sanctimonious twits will sound--and the more certain their comeuppance on November 8th.
Damn the pseudo intellectual poseurs--for that is what they truly are;--Damn the liars & Damn the lies! Full speed ahead. Trump to the White House!
Post #9 on this thread needs to viral and sent to Lou Dobbs, Hannity and Drudge!!!