And something happened after that which caused both her to fire her weapon and the other cop to fire his Taser. That is the point too many people miss here - she wasn't the only one who reacted - someone else reacted in a similar matter at the same time. Something that can be hard to see from a video shot from well overhead.
I haven’t read much or studied the video.
I wasn’t aware of that but you’re darn right it is a big deal.
I’ve remained rather neutral on this one.
There are factors that figure in and I’ve tried to play devil’s advocate in a way so people can say, “Oh yeah, I’ve seen that too. It’s happened to me at times.”
It’s just a good idea to understand the concepts, them factor them in.
I hate to see anyone shot to be honest. If a guy is clearly bad, it’s definitely necessary. This guy by all reports seems to have been iffy.
I’ve allowed room for her to be wrong. I’m not here to unfairly support her if she’s done wrong. I’m not here to unfairly support him if he was an idiot.
I appreciate you filling in that blank for me. Again, that is a big deal. Something happened...