I am sorry you have had a bad relationship or three. However, the problem is not that, as you put it, “ marriage and children are a sucker bet,” the problem is the destruction of the family and the removal of God and His saving grace from our society. If men followed God’s plan for our lives then there would be no problem.
>>I am sorry you have had a bad relationship or three. However, the problem is not that, as you put it, marriage and children are a sucker bet, the problem is the destruction of the family and the removal of God and His saving grace from our society. If men followed Gods plan for our lives then there would be no problem.
I haven’t. I’ve been married for 35 years. But I’m looking at the experiences of those who are younger than me and if I was their age and single, I’d definitely stay single. I’m also becoming more Deist in my beliefs, so I don’t think God really worries about some guy getting married.
“I am sorry you have had a bad relationship or three.”
Dismissing a significant social development involving tens of millions of men as due to “bad relationships” is supremely silly. Men will tell you why they’ve changed their behavior, if you just bother to ask them.