You friggin idiot. Russia and Iran are together in all this. As if you didn't know, Putin butt kisser that you are.
As for serving in the military, since when was that a confirmation of one's loyalty or patriotism? John Fonda Kerry served. Charlie 'The Red' Rangel served. Jeremiah 'G-D America' Wright served, Harry Reid served. And Benedict Arnold served.
You have quite a mouth, always acting like you are saving the world from Russia, Iran, and whoever you think of that day ..... and you never served a day in uniform against them or anyone else.
Typical loudmouth, full of answers.....for other people to go do.
Kerry at least WAS in Vietnam. Rangel was awarded a Bronze Star for combat in Korea. They have a right to their opinion. You as an ignorant foreigner should just STFU. Your old country beefs fascinate you, but you bore us.