No, He is a Marxist Catholic (Liberation Theologian) who grew up believing Slavery is Freedom, Up is Down and in radical egalitarianism where Boys are Girls (utopia) (and that is God’s Design of the Universe of man being without Reason-—only “emotions” rule in Marxism and God is banned).
Man is actually god and can decide Good and Evil himself. You can actually lust after vile, filthy things which create orgasms in self-—and it is godliness. Not warped emotions caused by severe child abuse and neglect-—so it is to be LAUDED. You are exactly like Jesus in his sick, twisted, Jesuit, Freemason mind if you mock God’s gift of marriage for man and woman.
This person is the anti-pope and VII was a Freemason/Jesuit takeover to destroy the Church and all Traditions, Canon Law from within. Pope Pius X warned of the takeover in 1907 encyclical. Fr. Oko’s report notes all the homofascists (communists) who invaded the seminaries (Bella Dodd) in the 30s and 40s to destroy the formation of priests and force “good” ones out. (Goodbye, Good Men). There was a Marxist takeover in the 30s and 40s which culminated in the takeover of the Vatican Bank and the calling of Vatican II to destroy all traditions and the Mass. It is all chronicled in lots of books and Fr. Oko’s report (hired by Pope Benedict XVI) which claimed the homomafia literally took over the seminaries/Bishops of USA by the forties..
Pope says Jesus won’t kick gays out of heaven
There is the mention of the word “pope” in at least 50% of the posts here and I am here to correct all of you who have called the person dressed as a pope and making the proclamations and attending the ceremonies and enjoying the popularity and accolades and attention by the media and throngs of hopeful, wishful “faithful”, is a fraud.
A pope is not capable of contradicting his predecessors on matters of faith and morals.
At such time as a seeming pope does, the faithful can be certain that they are dealing with a false pope.
When you folks stop calling Jorge Bergogio “pope” then his damage to the world will begin to diminish, and the office itself will cease to suffer the calumny of allowing such an imposter the title “pope”.