Then Trump let loose. He spoke truth and how venerable America has become under King Obama and Hillary. What he gave America was the truth and what he reveled about Hillary was the total destruction of everything she touched.
Trump won the debate but like most ignorant Americans they did not really listen. Sad, we have so many idiots we call Americans who have their minds shut and love that sick ignorant Hillary..
Trump for President.
Even now more of the “so-called” ignorant Americans are now starting to wake up and smell the coffee.
Although Trump is not ideological, he cut through much of her liberal nonsense. Like all her bs about what is it, intrinsic racism? Trump points out the black community needs law & order, and that Hillary won’t use the words.
“Then Trump let loose. He spoke truth and how venerable America has become under King Obama and Hillary.”
The rest of your post was spot on - he came through as genuine, concerned for this country and its citizens, while she came through as a very polished political hack...which is exactly what she is.
The Dems and their hangers-on have been making the point that she “won” the debate. Well, maybe she had a few more zingers, maybe she would have won a college debate on points, but she didn’t win. First of all, Lester Holt interrupted Trump on 6 different occasions and interfered in the debate by “fact-checking” him - none of which he did to Clinton. People noticed that, and it did NOT help her. She also slipped - she mentioned testifying in Congress for 11 hours. Well, WHY was she doing that? Because of Benghazi, that’s why - and people noticed that, too.
Winning a debate in a Presidential Election is very different from winning one for the college debate team - you don’t have a bunch of nit-picking pros deciding things, but rather the entirety of the American People. We, as a people, don’t really give a damn if the President is the most glib guy out there (like Obama is, if he’s got his teleprompter working right), they care about what the person DOES. On that score, she came across as glib (and condescending as Hell), whereas he came across as someone who despises what politics as usual has done to our country.
You mix truth with lies.
Americans are not idiots. The idiots are in the establishment.
Americans listened to Trump. Watch what happens.