Trump won on leadership, on suitability to be President and most importantly - he won on caring about people like me.
Those same qualities gave Obama the win in 2012. Trump just won the election, hands down.
My prayer last night was specific. I strive for specific. I do that so that I can understand the results of my prayer, and seek to understand why God hasn’t answered them... the way I think he should have..
Ok, Allow me to put my religion aside and speak with logic and rhetoric.
On stage last night was a woman who is so full of corruption that she can’t be trusted. Bernie supporters have been saying this all along. A Bernbot thinks that Hillary should be president of Trump but neither should be president of Bernie. She’ll never have their hearts and minds.
Everyone knows she lied during the debates. She was well composed, but the jig is up - Everyone knows how corrupt she is. No matter how great she handles herself she is always a corrupt liar. Even Democrats are reporting this.
I pray that people continue to develop their own opinions about how well each candidate presented themselves - But that they never forget that Hillary is a lying criminal thief. And even if she isn’t being prosecuted for those crimes there are so many crimes.. so many allegations that “there must be something there”.
The people’s awakening continues. Albeit we missed a chance for wildfire, we did not snuff the flame.
As there was ridiculous over-hype before this event (people expecting far too much from a tepid format), there is far too much over-analysis and spin afterward.
With the exception of the few situations of a grand one-liner or especially humorous episode, these things turn on feel and impression. Both candidates accomplished what was, for them, job one: Hillary looked with it and healthy enough and Trump did not turn anyone off by crossing the line from assertive to caustic. Trump appeared honest, genuine and forthright - which is the root of his biggest strength, not being a politician. There was a bit of the creep factor with Hillary and that bobbing smile - I thought it was almost clownish with that red suit on. A bobble-head. But she was wonkish enough and that fit the character she tries to present. But in the end, that is what will stick as impression - Trump belonged there and was direct and honest. Hillary was a bit creepy and sometimes she seemed to have trouble remembering what she was supposed to say...supposed to say being the critical point, she was a studied wonk, not genuine. (Trump had a moment of forgetfulness as well with the “stamina” thing, but he’s less susceptible to having that harm his overall impression).
Just a note about the “missed opportunities” on Hillary’s plethora of scandals. A lot of talk about that - which is the crucial thing - there’s a lot of talk about it and it isn’t Trump exposing himself by being the one talking about it. The talk is all that’s required to remind people of her ethical doesn’t matter who is saying it, except in that it lets Trump take a higher road if he isn’t the one dwelling on it. We all should know by now that a Clinton will never be brought down by scandal. Those issues will not win the election for someone running against a Clinton. Never have, never will and we have 25 years of history to show that. They actually in a very contrarian way help the Clintons by being the big target everyone focuses on when they need to focus on things that personally impact the voters...which the scandals never do. Trump needs to keep the focus on the deteriorating quality of life in, the economy, the debt, infrastructure, crumbling inner cities, mass free immigration, terrorism here, law and order. The Clinton failures and scandals should be nothing more than backdrop, because no voter is impacted in their personal life by those things.
I read a lot of comments last night. Yours were probably the best of the lot. Thank you; your input was appreciated.
Those same qualities gave Obama the win in 2012? If you go back and listen to his campaign speeches, many a time he could have passed for a conservative, for someone who believed in personal responsibility and responsible leadership. He like all pols, say what they know resonates with the electorate, and when they get elected, they throw it all out with the trash. I can remember listening a few times to BO’s campaign appearances early in 2008, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think he was running as a republican. Oh, he was a smooth slicker. But I don’t put Trump at all in the Obama camp, and there’s no way Obama was ever suited to be President, and especially not on caring about people like me!