Giving this it's own thread due to the developing story hitting a "mainstream" outlet, and the way it absolutely nails the timelines between Oversight requests and the questions on Reddit.
1 posted on
09/19/2016 2:41:08 PM PDT by
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To: Dr.Deth
what if the Watergate burglars had NEVER gone to jail...?
There’d be total outrage and chaos.
YET, that’s what we have with this guy.
2 posted on
09/19/2016 2:43:11 PM PDT by
To: Dr.Deth
Us news ... Legs
This may be next to knock her down
3 posted on
09/19/2016 2:44:27 PM PDT by
(...the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others...)
To: Dr.Deth
Awesome! This is starting to get some traction!!
4 posted on
09/19/2016 2:45:22 PM PDT by
To: Dr.Deth
I’m shocked Combetta didn’t find himself going for a walk at 4 o’clock in the morning with Seth Rich.
5 posted on
09/19/2016 2:45:44 PM PDT by
((Some of you characterized my FReep name as 'paranoid' a few years back.. Care to apologize now?))
To: Dr.Deth
7 posted on
09/19/2016 2:47:41 PM PDT by
To: Dr.Deth
I take it this info wasn’t discovered by the FBI? If not, then just how “thorough” could their investigation have been?
8 posted on
09/19/2016 2:47:50 PM PDT by
(Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway...John Wayne)
To: Dr.Deth
"VERY VIP"... 'Very Ill with Parkinson's'?
9 posted on
09/19/2016 2:48:22 PM PDT by
((Some of you characterized my FReep name as 'paranoid' a few years back.. Care to apologize now?))
To: Dr.Deth
Thank God James Comey determined there was NO INTENT TO DELETE EMAILS UNDER SUBPOENA
10 posted on
09/19/2016 2:49:05 PM PDT by
(destruction of government records.)
To: Dr.Deth
Reddit users may also want to do searches for earlier questions like: ‘a VIP (very VIP) friend asks what are the best places to hide 200 lb objects in Fort Marcy Park?’ or ‘my VIP (very VIP) boss wants me to find the best way to wash a blue denim dress without someone knowing’ or ‘a very VIP friend asks if ice really reduce swelling of injured lips?’
To: All
Reddit is deleting info as quickly as it is posted there. I hate to send anyone to this place, but if you can sort the wheat from the chaff, these guys have both details and timelines:
To: Dr.Deth
To: Dr.Deth
Citizen sleuths just doing the job that the media and Fraudulent Bureau of Investigation can't won't do.
17 posted on
09/19/2016 3:06:26 PM PDT by
(The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next)
To: Dr.Deth
I wasn’t sure if this was going to go mainstream or not. This could be huge. I am sure they will throw others under the bus, but seriously, how can the FBI not reopen things? I dont see how Hillary could survive this, what with her scraping by last time.. but then who knows.. Truth is, as long as this mortally wounds her without getting her replaced, I am good.
20 posted on
09/19/2016 3:14:40 PM PDT by
("Wishing for a tautology to enact itself is not a strategy.")
To: Dr.Deth
Paul Combetta will shortly commit suicide by shooting himself six times in the back and then cutting off his own head.
21 posted on
09/19/2016 3:17:28 PM PDT by
To: Dr.Deth
This is big. It demolishes Hillary’s defense that there was no intent to hide data, that it was an accident or the result of computer ignorance. The guy she hired to wipe her disk, the one who got immunity and answered no questions, had inquired about the best way to wipe the From: field from a large batch of emails, the From: being Hillary Clinton. This is the smoking gun that could put her in prison or, if Trump is as smart as he seems, will be huge leverage in getting a deal from Hillary and all the other guilty Dems to help via back channels to pass his controversial legislation quickly and with as little fuss as possible.
To: Dr.Deth
What is news about this? Don’t we already know he deleted the emails?
To: Dr.Deth
I hope this guy gets so much pressure that he rolls over...
To: Dr.Deth
Is that why Reddit has been deleting posts about it?
29 posted on
09/19/2016 4:14:22 PM PDT by
(0bama lies, Granny dies.)
To: Dr.Deth
Jill Stein is on it: Kellyanne Conway and 4 others follow Dr. Jill Stein Verified account @DrJillStein 11m11 minutes ago Dr. Jill Stein Retweeted The Hill If it's true that #StoneTear is Clinton's IT specialist Paul Combetta, would that demonstrate intent to destroy evidence? #HillarysEmails Dr. Jill Stein added, The Hill @thehill House committee looking into Reddit post about Clinton's email server
31 posted on
09/19/2016 4:44:54 PM PDT by
To: Dr.Deth
32 posted on
09/19/2016 4:48:39 PM PDT by
( All Muslims are not terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslim)
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