FOX REPORT: The bomb in Seaside Heights the same as the Chelsea bombs.
That is YUGE!
I heard this too, on CNN.
I am wondering what the similarity is.
We know that the one in NJ was a pipe bomb.
I also heard that the bomb experts were very interested in the type of wiring used, as that often leaves a signature of the bomb maker.
FOX REPORT: The bomb in Seaside Heights the same as the Chelsea bombs.
So, targeted groups include wounded and military, as well as gays. Obama Is bringing tens of thousands more in this year and Hillary/Huma will only step this up. This is sure to help their campaign.
*** FOX REPORT: The bomb in Seaside Heights the same as the Chelsea bombs. ***
Remember in July when the young tourist in Central Park had his foot blown off by the bomb in a brown paper bag?
The brown paper bag was from a bakery in New Jersey that had gone out of business. Coincidence?
Via @cernovich on twitter