How many watts?
I have an 8,000 one.
I’ve used it a few times in the last ten years.
I’m the 4th from the end of the line that supplies power down our rural road; so any problems upstream from me will affect me.
One of our trees once took out the last three folks downstream from me, but the power guys were out within a half hour to repair the line.
Longest I’ve been without power was about 4-5 hours.
I’ve an adapter cable that allows me to plug into a welding outlet in the barn and backfeed the house. (After making sure the house is disconnected from the mains!)
Only a 3500 watt that I borrowed. Big enough to run fridge, my computer and a fan. Would have gone to motel somewhere if I couldn’t have had that.
Lived here 10 years and have never been without power for more than 2 hours, just one time. Sometimes a flicker.