The dirty little secret is that all these Hollywood stars clothing lines are made by sweatshops in poor third-world countries. If we bring back these jobs, they can be relocated in inner-cities, which would give blacks the skills they need plus get them off of welfare and other benefits.
Oh, if only that were true. Imagine having free food, free housing, free clothing allowance and being able to get up whenever you wanted, and have zero expectations and NO PRIDE. Now, for about $50 more a week; you have to get up early, take a shower, ride a bus to work, actually work, take orders from someone (possibly a white man) and go home and go to bed at a reasonable hour so you can do it again the next day. The only days you get to do what you want are the weekends. How many blacks do you imagine are going to give up the free welfare ride? Not many. Welfare is just too comfortable.