Let me explain something to people who think that the sun rises and sets with the media, the GOPe, RINOs, Wall Street, USCofC and especially the NEVER TRUMPERS:
All that information that Hillary had on her SERVERS yes, more than ONE, and all those PHONES, yes more than ONE, have been hacked, along with ALL OF OUR GOVERNMENT OFFICES, ALL OF THEM, and now thanks to the ‘smartest woman in the world’ every one of the foreign countries KNOW EVERYTHING about us...did you think of that when you wrote this ‘butt wiping’ article??? How long do you think it's going to take for them to publish the hacked information from yesterday on our NSA...the place where ALL the information is stored??? NO, that's the problem, you people don't have enough brains to THINK about what can happen that JUST DID HAPPEN, and yet when someone comes along that has the brains, and the smarts and the know how to save this country, you PISS all over him and the American People, you all should be hung at sunrise!!!
When TRUMP is elected WTP will then be able to be heard when we shout
Lock THEM up!