obscene and sick calls ...........translation, people telling her the truth about this corrupt government.
1 posted on
08/13/2016 12:54:30 PM PDT by
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To: ColdOne
2 posted on
08/13/2016 12:55:11 PM PDT by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: ColdOne
Obscene? Did they read her the Bill of Rights?
3 posted on
08/13/2016 12:56:22 PM PDT by
(Trump / Pence 2016!)
To: ColdOne
Gee Ms. Pelosi....ever think of calling and have it shut down?? And go to Kmart and get a throw away temporarily.
To: ColdOne
Nasty Pelosi is an obscenity.
To: ColdOne
Where’s the Laugh In guy with Ruth Buzzy?
7 posted on
08/13/2016 12:57:37 PM PDT by
(Trump / Pence 2016!)
To: ColdOne
What she has done to the country is obscene and sick.
8 posted on
08/13/2016 12:57:40 PM PDT by
(...please make it stop. Shake a can of pennies at it.)
To: ColdOne
She’s lying. If she got flooded with calls, she wouldn’t listen to them. Just like usual.
9 posted on
08/13/2016 12:57:46 PM PDT by
Old Yeller
(Hillary is Satan's spiritual advisor.)
To: ColdOne
Palomino, Palomino, Palomino 🐴🐎🐴
10 posted on
08/13/2016 12:58:37 PM PDT by
(Donald Trump will ban auto-correct with an Executive Order. Go Trump!)
To: ColdOne
You’ve earned every one of them, Nanzi!
11 posted on
08/13/2016 12:58:48 PM PDT by
(~Our government lies and the media helps them.~)
To: ColdOne
obscene and sick calls: Calls like “Mrs. Pelosi, how can you call yourself a practicing Catholic while supporting the murder of millions of unborn children?”
12 posted on
08/13/2016 12:58:51 PM PDT by
(Donald Trump, warts and all, is not a public enemy. The Golems in the GOP are stasis and apathy)
To: ColdOne
Any calls or texts from Carlos Danger?
To: ColdOne
obscene? what did they do, quote Scripture to her?
14 posted on
08/13/2016 12:59:52 PM PDT by
(Americanism NOT Globalism! - Trump)
To: ColdOne
They had to hack her computer to find out what’s in it.
Embrace the suck, Nancy. Or is that too obscene for you?
15 posted on
08/13/2016 12:59:57 PM PDT by
(Trump / Pence 2016!)
To: ColdOne
“received obscene and sick calls”
That means Weiner sent pics
To: ColdOne
I am sure most of those folks just dialed the wrong number./sarc
I bet that old witch played those calls over and over! LOL
Embrace the suck, Pelousy.
18 posted on
08/13/2016 1:01:30 PM PDT by
To: ColdOne
I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages, Mrs. Pelosi said in a letter to colleagues, telling them to prevent their family and children from getting to the messages, presumably because they were so upsetting.
Tell Hillary! to stop calling!
19 posted on
08/13/2016 1:01:32 PM PDT by
( " We would not die in that man's company, that fears his fellowship to die with us...." Henry V.)
To: ColdOne
To: ColdOne
She should ask those sick dhimmicrats to stop calling her.
21 posted on
08/13/2016 1:01:33 PM PDT by
(Everything is different now...)
To: ColdOne
no I’m sure some were truly obscene. It’s just that I don’t care. they couldn’t say anything more deviant than a fellow Catholic who supports abortion.
22 posted on
08/13/2016 1:03:15 PM PDT by
(The only thing an upper crust conservative hates more than a liberal is a middle class conservative)
To: ColdOne
And about her DNC buddies.
23 posted on
08/13/2016 1:03:35 PM PDT by
(Be a blessing to a stranger today for some have entertained angels unaware)
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