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Obama Calls Trump Unfit for Office, Suggests He Won't Accept His Election
Rush ^ | August 2, 2016 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 08/02/2016 11:57:23 AM PDT by Kaslin


RUSH: You know, I chuckle at the president. The president's out there, he's doing a joint press conference today with the head honcho in Singapore.

You know this has to be planned, and even if it wasn't planned, it was gonna happen. Obama is using the occasion of this to bash Trump out the wazoo. One of the questions he got was about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, because that's one of the reasons for the press conference was Singapore head honcho would benefit from this, and Obama -- attempting to give that trade deal credibility -- said, "Hey, you know what? I'm president; I'm for it."

Now, this is after he has just unloaded on Trump as indecent, as unfit, as incompetent, as dangerous. Do you know what I watched on CNN today? They were promoting... I don't know if it actually happened. They were promoting an upcoming roundtable between Bloomberg people and others on the question of whether Donald Trump is actually insane. They were actually gonna have a roundtable on Trump's state of mind, whether he's sane or not! They used the word "insanity." I saw it in the graphic.

So if people have been watching CNN in the morning, they see Obama come out and he starts going on and on and on about how Trump is unfit and he's not got the right temperament and he's unqualified, and he also said, "How can you Republicans continue to support this guy? How can you possibly do it?" And then to explain the lackadaisical, lackluster economy, Obama said, "Hey, you know what? I can't help it! It's a global economy. I really can't."

So, we got a guy making an excuse for not being able to do something. He didn't say in eight years he wasn't gonna be able to fix the economy 'cause it's global. What he means is, "Hey, it's so big, it's global! Our economy is just a drop in the bucket compared to the global economy. I can't control the global economy -- and if I can't control the global economy, I can't control the US economy." Wait a minute. Eight years ago, the sea levels were gonna come down.

The planet was going to heal. There was gonna be love and utopia everywhere. And, of course, none of what Obama projected -- none of what he promised -- none of the pictures he painted have come anywhere near being true. And we have to hear how Donald Trump is unfit? After this bunch takes policies that puts weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, Fast and Furious. After this bunch irresponsibly... Whatever they were doing in Benghazi blew up and four Americans died, and then they lied about why and continue to.

Now they are embarking on a campaign to sully and destroy the reputations of the surviving parents of those four, and we have to hear how Trump is unfit? We have to hear how Trump is not suitable? We have to hear how Trump is not stable or what have you? And now we have all of a sudden, the reason why our economy is growing at barely 1%, "Well, I can't help it. It's a global economy." Wait a minute. You were gonna control everything! You were gonna fix everything.

Just your presence in Washington was gonna make the rest of the world bow down and agree to whatever demands or requests that you made. What happened to all of that? Where are the objective standards of measurement and analysis of Obama's presidency? They don't exist. As far as the Drive-Bys are concerned, he sounds like he's a Harvard-educated guy. He has intellectualspeak down pat. So that's all you need!

"He's smart, whatever he does. Doesn't matter how bad, doesn't matter how wrong, he's smart, and that's all we care about. And Trump? Why, Trump's bordering on insane! Trump's uncontrollable. He's unpredictable. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's unsuitable, he's unfit, he's ill tempered." So this is where we are. The incumbents are making flimsy excuses for their failures while being covered by the Drive-By Media and having failures converted into success stories, all the while -- and, by the way, not complaining, 'cause everybody knew this was going to happen.

The Trump people should have known this was gonna happen. What do you think, Mr. Snerdley? A couple questions here. I'll ask Mr. Snerdley. What do you think of Trump saying that he fears the election's already rigged?" (interruption) You thought it was lame? Why do you think Trump said it? I'm asking all of you. (interruption) 'Cause he honestly does think the election's rigged. Well, he was bouncing off what happened to Crazy Bernie, who we know was cheated. I mean, we know.

We've got the emails, WikiLeaks, the document dump. We know the Democrat National Committee cheated. And, by the way, I didn't get a chance to get into this yesterday, although I intended to, that whole game, the coronation, the nomination of Hillary Rodham, that was done in 2008 after Obama won the presidency. That deal was put together back then.

I have no doubt, folks, Debbie "Blabbermouth" Schultz being put in charge of the Democrat National Committee coming over from running parts of Obama's campaign, there's no question the fix was in, I don't care if any of you out there want to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, you don't. I know exactly what happened here. I know exactly what 2008 was gonna be until Obama decided he wanted to run. 2008 was when what's happening now was supposed to happen. Hillary was promised 2008 was hers.

They owed her. They owed her big time for saving her husband and thus saving the Democrat Party, saving his presidency. They owed her big time, but then they got snookered. Obama decided he wants to run. Now they've got a choice, the young black guy or the old Nurse Ratched. What do we do? And the choice was easy. They threw Hillary overboard and she was livid. And she still held a lot of testicles in the lockbox. I'm telling you, she was guaranteed this year would be her nomination, and they would do whatever it took.

You want to know why Biden didn't actually run? You wonder why only Crazy Bernie ran? This should have been wide open. Who do we have, we have Crazy Bernie, Jim Webb, we have that guy, O'Malley. People said the Democrat Party didn't have a very deep bench, meaning they don't have any young talent out there. They do. Well, they did on paper. They had the Castro brothers down there in San Antonio. They could have repeated first black president with first Hispanic, but there's any number of Democrats out there. Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren. Why didn't she run?

I mean, there's any number of people out there that are much more popular than Hillary Clinton, that poll much better than Hillary Clinton, have much less baggage than Hillary Clinton. Where were they? Why were the debates placed on Saturday night? Why do they want the debates now opposite NFL games? Because Hillary can't win campaigning. The only hope they've got, and I mean the only hope, and they appear to be pulling it off now, the only hope they've got is to destroy Trump because she cannot win this on her own.

I think what they're angling for, I think they are trying to take Trump out right now. I think they are trying to dispirit, destroy the Trump campaign right now. I think they are angling. I think their objective here is to see to it that it gets so bad that there aren't any debates and just cancel 'em, 'cause they can't agree to move 'em from the conflict with the NFL, people say, "Well, nobody's gonna see the debates," and rather than move the debates, just gonna decide not to do it because that would be the most beneficial thing for Hillary, is to have there be no debates.

So I may be getting a little ahead of myself there, but I'm telling you this whole thing was cooked and baked in 2000. So they cheat. So we've got this email dump coming, back to Benghazi, why were we there. Trump's saying that he thinks the election's rigged. I hope he's not making excuses. I hope that he's not trying to evoke sympathy. I hope that he's not saying this as a head start on explaining why he lost. Some people think that's what he's doing. I hope that's not what it is. Some people think, "He can see the tea leaves, Rush. He's already established, he's getting it on paper why he lost. He didn't lose, he was cheated out of it." I hope that's not what's going on.

But if this is actually a political strategic move, tactical move to elicit sympathy that they hope to convert to support, that's not how politics works. You don't get support by people feeling sorry for you, or thinking that you're the object of dirty tricks and so we're gonna really come out and defend you and promote you. That's not how it works.


RUSH: Yeah, I got two sound bites here. Can I...? No, I'm not gonna be able to get 'em both in. Which one's more important? Okay, let's just play the first one, and we'll tempt you. They're both Obama. I was just referring to his press conference. Here's the first sound bite that we have from it...

President Obama: "Yes, I think the Republican nominee is unfit to serve as President." (C-SPAN)

OBAMA: Yes, I think the Republican nominee is unfit to serve is as president. I said so last week, and he keeps on proving it. This is not just my opinion. I think what's been interesting is the repeated denunciations of his statements by leading Republicans, including the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader, and prominent Republicans like John McCain. And the question I think that they have to ask themselves is, "If you are repeatedly having to say -- in very strong terms -- that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?"

RUSH: So now the pressure is being brought to bear from the White House to the Republican establishment guys who are attempting to stand firm on their principles. Obama's now saying, "Your principles aren't worth diddly-squat 'til you condemn this guy, until you talk back and take back your endorsement." See, they're not getting any credit from the people they want credit from for this highly principled position, are they?


RUSH: I'm asking myself if I can recall -- and I will ask you -- can you recall ever, in your lifetime, an incumbent outgoing president being this involved in the presidential campaign to replace him? I can't. I know George H. W. Bush... Well, he was running for reelection. George W. Bush, nothing like this. Reagan didn't get involved after his two terms. There hasn't been any... Obama's the first Democrat two-term president in many, many moons. So I don't remember... This is unprecedented, and I'm just...

Folks, I predicted this. This is exactly... In fact, let me remind you. This is exactly what he's gonna do after the election. I don't care who wins. If Hillary starts trying to unravel what he did, this is what he's gonna do. He's gonna call a press conference. He'll put together an event of former world leaders. He'll bring 'em to Washington under the auspices of some excuse. They'll have a meeting, and he'll go to the microphones and be interviewed. And he's gonna comment.

If Trump wins, it's gonna be every day he's gonna be out there. This is unprecedented what Obama did today and what he's been doing. No president ever gets this deep. And don't tell me that it's because Obama cares about the country. It's not about that at all. Obama is worried about his legacy and his agenda becoming unraveled if Trump were to win this thing. You know, it won't take much.

If Trump were to win this thing, it won't take much to lift the veil of what's really gone on the past eight years. The American people will be informed about what's really gone on in Washington that the media didn't tell 'em. And I don't mean scandal. I mean the cynicism behind everything. I mean lifting the veil on who these people really are. They're not the nice, sweet, thoughtful, tolerant, compassionate people. These people in private make as much fun of gay people and African-Americans as anybody else ever has.

And when they get caught on it, isn't it amazing how it just kind of vanishes? "Well, they don't really mean it. Well, it was a moment in time. Maybe they had too much to drink. It's not really who they are," and so forth. They're covered up for. But these people are not the angels (I'm talking about leftists and Democrats) that everybody thinks they are. They joke. They make stereotypical jokes like anybody else does. Look at their comedians!

Except they don't think their comedians are comedians. They think their comedians are actually policymakers! That's why they don't have any sense of humor. They do not understand humor that is at their expense. But I'm convinced that when these people are watching The Daily Show, they aren't watching a comedy show in their minds. They might have been laughing, but they were watching what they thought was real as representative what the Democrats Party, what progressivism is or whatever it is.

They think it's how it's implement and how it's conducted and how it's practiced, and how you go out and you destroy your enemies. The laughter was a secondary thing. The West Wing? Remember that TV show? I mean, the joke was that liberals... That happened when Bush was in the White House, so there were people that made jokes that people on the left actually believed that what's-his-face, what's his name, Estevez...? What's his name? Martin Sheen was actually the president. They pretended. They lost themselves in it.

Anyway, I'm gonna play these two Obama sound bites back-to-back rather than separate them, because they go together, and it's Obama going all-in at a press conference today with the prime minister or the president (I forget his title) of Singapore. The president got a question during the Q&A from the CBS correspondent, Margaret Brennan. She said, "Given the Republican nominee's recent comments about the Khan family and his statement that if president he would consider recognizing Russia's annexation of Crimea, does it make you question his fitness to be president?

OBAMA: Yes. I think the Republican nominee is unfit to everybody is as president. I said so last week, and he keeps on proving it. This is not just my opinion. I think what's been interesting is the repeated denunciations of his statements by leading Republicans, including the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader, and prominent Republicans like John McCain. And the question, I think, that they have to ask themselves is: "If you are repeatedly having to say in very strong terms that what he has said is unacceptable, why are you still endorsing him?" I was write in --

RUSH: Hold it, hold it. No, no, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to play them back-to-back. I just mean for you to play both of them. I want to comment on this. Cue the second one up. I don't doubt that some of these Republicans that he's quoting here -- McCain and Ryan and McConnell -- I mean, they're out there speaking on principle, but they're also out there trying to protect their turf. I mean, this is insider versus outsider. We all know what's going on.

But one of the observations I've always made is these establishment Republicans, to me, are always seeking the approval of Democrats. They're always seeking to be seen by Democrats as not your typical racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe Republican. So they go out and they say things, they do things -- they propose walking across the aisle; they propose things like agreeing with the president on amnesty -- all designed to get credit from the media, from the Democrats and all that, as solid, decent people.

So here they are dutifully denouncing Trump, positioning themselves supposedly as above the fray. And what's the result? Obama hammers 'em! Obama doesn't praise 'em. Not in the end. Obama doesn't hoist 'em up and say, "These are great guys. You Republicans, you could be proud of any one of these guys as your president." He doesn't do that. He calls them out. He says, "Okay, so fine, you go out there and you say Trump's unsuited? Big whoop! How come you're still endorsing him?

See, you can't please 'em. You can't make 'em love you. You can't make them say you're okay. It never is going to happen, and that is proof of it. I'm sure they thought that they had distinguished themselves well in their publicly stated repugnance of the nominee, Donald J. Trump. But Obama's not having any of it. It doesn't impress him. (impression) "Ha! (snorts) I mean, that guy keeps saying what he says, and you denounce him? Until you pull your endorsement, you aren't gonna impress me."

Here's the next bite, and in this bite, you're gonna hear Obama essentially suggest that he will not accept a Trump presidency.

OBAMA: I was right and Mitt Romney and John McCain were wrong on certain policy issues, but I never thought that they couldn't do the job.

RUSH: How big of you.

OBAMA: And had they won, I would have been disappointed, but I would have said to all Americans, "This is our president --

RUSH: How big of you.

OBAMA: "-- and I know they're gonna abide by certain norms and --

RUSH: How big of you.

OBAMA: " -- rules and common sense, will observe basic decency --

RUSH: How big of you.

OBAMA: " -- will have enough knowledge about economic policy and foreign policy and our constitutional traditions and rule of law --

RUSH: How big of you.

OBAMA: " -- that our government will work. And then we'll compete four years from now to to try to win an election." But that's not the situation here.

RUSH: Man, is this guy magnanimous! Holy cow, is this guy really well-mannered? Did you hear that? He, Barack Hussein the First, decrees that, "Yeah, they're okay. I wouldn't have been happy, but at least they're gonna abide by the norms and the rules and the common sense that I have. I think these guys... Even though I think they're dog doodoo on policy -- I don't agree with a single thing they say -- they have decency. They know enough about economic policy and foreign policy not to totally screw it up."

What arrogance! What ribald, naked, bold arrogance, to talk about McCain and Romney this way! This is not complimentary. This is not accommodating. This is not inclusive. This is not Obama saying, "You know, those guys are in the same club I'm in, and we all know together what it takes." This is Obama saying, "Look, I'm special. I'm the most special who has ever been here. These other chumps? Yeah, well, they wouldn't have embarrassed us very much. We could have tolerated 'em. But this guy, Trump? There is no way."

This is stunning.

I mean, Obama, he actually betrayed himself for who he really is in that second bite.


RUSH: I'll tell you, folks, I've never seen anything like this in my entire life now. Obama is completely undermining our system of government where power is passed from one party to the other or kept within the party but it's done peacefully, gracefully, cheerfully. What's Obama gonna do if Trump wins? Trump is unsuitable, Trump is -- what's the word? Trump is unacceptable. Well, what's he gonna do if Trump wins? And, by the way, not fit?

This is the guy that oversaw the Iranian nuclear deal that arranges for Iran to have nuclear weapons, and we release $150 billion in frozen assets that John Kerry acknowledges is going to be spent on terrorism.

This a man who lied through his teeth how many times about Obamacare in order to get it passed, a man of the absolute worst economic recovery since 1949. There essentially isn't one. And Trump's unacceptable. Romney and McCain, well, well, we can accept 'em, but, I mean, they're still no great shakes, but at least, you know, they're not insane like Trump is. I mean, that's the inference that you are to draw from Obama's comments. It's unprecedented. So much is unprecedented.

This is another reason, folks, why I was so excited. When I actually sat down and thought about it, 'cause I did, I went back, I even told a number of my friends that I was insure what I wanted to do, but time went on and I just concluded that you never know what's coming next, it's so unpredictable, anything can happen, usually does, and I tried to imagine myself, look at a day like this, not having this program. Oh, it would be torture.

It would be torture. I would be calling people, "Hey, can you give me five minutes? I gotta say something." I'm the guy that turns down those requests now. So I figured if I'm gonna do that, I may as well just hold onto this because it's blessing to be able to do what you're born to do and to be successful at it. I wish everybody could experience it.


KEYWORDS: notaneditorial; obamatrump
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To: Mr. Douglas

“I used to say there was no way I would vote for him.
I wonder if this is happening with anyone else.”

It sort of happened to me. I went from “ugh, really?” to “I LOVE THIS GUY!” mainly due to the wave after wave of Democratic attacks not to mention the scummy nonsense attempted by the Republican party.

I thought Trump was being promoted by the fringe on FR at first and figured he’d just quit after a few months.

As I started to see that more people on FR were warming up to him and saw that he had a chance, I paid closer attention to him and liked his message with some reservations (as in “how in the hell is he going to execute all of these promises”).

As I started to see the liberals go crazy when anyone utters his name, I liked him even more.

After his convention speech, I was all in.

These media attacks make my convictions stronger.

While I will NOT make the mistake of putting the man on a pedestal, I’ll do my best to help get him elected President of the United States. I can assure you that wouldn’t have happened if the media hadn’t launched an all out assault on him ... especially after their version of Jesus assumed the Presidency after two terms as a state senator and two years in the US Senate having voted nothing but “present”. Trump’s resume makes a heck of a lot more sense for a Commander-in-Chief vs. the empty nonsense Obama carried in to the White House.

61 posted on 08/02/2016 1:19:03 PM PDT by edh (I need a better tagline)
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To: combat_boots
0bama is ramping up for post-election violence.

Something. He wasn't just speaking out of his ass here. This was calculated.

62 posted on 08/02/2016 1:19:23 PM PDT by riri (Obama's Amerika--Not a fun place.)
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To: yuleeyahoo


63 posted on 08/02/2016 1:20:54 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: damper99
Our votes mean nothing, only the Electoral College results.

When; in the course of Human Events...

64 posted on 08/02/2016 1:21:58 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Kaslin

Fock Obie and his ‘Rat enablers ....

65 posted on 08/02/2016 1:25:03 PM PDT by VRWC For Truth (FUHRC)
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To: Kaslin

I’ll make up my own mind who is crazy. I decided that it’s Hillary. I saw a video of her head spinning all over the place; that’s batsh*t crazy! And a possible sign she is demonically possessed. As for Trump, the leftist MSM continually says things about Trump that are flat-out lies, and omits sections of his phrases to twist things out of context. Again, Hillary is crazy... and unfit.

66 posted on 08/02/2016 1:28:20 PM PDT by roadcat
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To: Will88
I thought he'd been telling us how the US is only 6% of the world's population but was using 25% of the world's resources, and how sinful and irresponsible that made us.

There is some interesting statistics buried in there. We have 6% of the world's population but only 4% of the world's real estate. These means we are already doing 50% more than our share so have no more space for third world refugees.

And what's this crap about us using 25% of the world's resources? Which resources? Some resources? We produce 80% of the world's hard durham wheat, 55% of the world's corn and 75% of the world's prescription pharmaceuticals, just to name three examples which we share and sell to the world. Maybe we should get to use more than 25%?

67 posted on 08/02/2016 1:34:08 PM PDT by Vigilanteman (ObaMao: Fake America, Fake Messiah, Fake Black man. How many fakes can you fit into one Zer0?)
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To: Kaslin

I despised Al Gore and his politics, but the man gave a gracious concession speech a few minutes after the Supreme Court ruled against the Florida recounts in December, 2000. A peaceful transfer of power, something that illustrates the greatness of this country.

Now we have a sullen, spoiled brat who thinks the world revolves around his presidency, and strongly implying a Trump win would be unacceptable. What does that mean? Martial law, suspension of the Constitution? How far is Obama willing to go to keep the Democrats in power?

68 posted on 08/02/2016 1:37:21 PM PDT by Deo volente (The islamists want to eradicate us, and will never stop. We need to eradicate them first.)
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To: doc maverick
If he tries it, he will have to be eliminated.

I so hope it will be televised!

69 posted on 08/02/2016 1:38:15 PM PDT by Canedawg (Make America Great Again)
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To: Kaslin

When this A$$ was elected, I flew my flag at half mast. I still don’t accept your election and never will.

70 posted on 08/02/2016 1:43:10 PM PDT by Capt_Hank (btu's...kcal' kJ's, but my activation energy is still high.)
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To: Vigilanteman
We produce 80% of the world's hard durham wheat, 55% of the world's corn and 75% of the world's prescription pharmaceuticals, just to name three examples which we share and sell to the world. Maybe we should get to use more than 25%?

The US and the West have made advances that have spilled benefits into every corner of the world. The truth is the rest of the world has benefited, parasitically, enormously from the affluence of the US and the Western nations.

But Obama would probably say:"You didn't build that!", and the rest of the left's nitwittery they use to try and belittle the success of the West and excuse the failures and many other cultures.

71 posted on 08/02/2016 1:45:43 PM PDT by Will88
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To: 1Old Pro

President Trump will investigate Obama’s fitness for office. That’s why Obama is desperate.

72 posted on 08/02/2016 1:55:26 PM PDT by Savage Beast (Trump is the Resistance! Vive la résistance!)
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To: Kaslin

Every member of the military swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. No exceptions; everyone is sworn.

Now, if Obummer tries to remain in office for ONE SECOND after President Trump takes his oath of office, then we are officially in a revolution and it falls upon the military to fulfill their oaths.

I don’t for one second believe Obummer was able to purge every last patriot from our armed forces. Somebody in uniform is probably already thinking about what would need to be done in this case.

Talk about interesting times!

73 posted on 08/02/2016 1:56:21 PM PDT by DNME (The only solution to a BAD GUY with a gun is a GOOD GUY with a gun.)
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To: Kaslin

Obama and the rest of the Democrats who voted for Obamacare and support open borders are either: 1) INCOMPETENT, 2) STUPID, 3) EVIL, or 4) A COMBINATION OF INCOMPETENT & STUPID & EVIL. There are no other options.

They can’t lead themselves out of a paper bag and are TOTALLY UNQUALIFIED to have ANY SAY IN THE LEADING OF THIS NATION. All of these idiots need to be replaced with Constitutional Conservative Christian men and women who truly love America, will work for her benefit, and will not bow to corruption or special interests.

74 posted on 08/02/2016 2:01:13 PM PDT by Lions Gate
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To: Elsie
Trump was involved in pro-wrestling for a while and had on going feud with Vince McMahon which ended thusly:

some text
75 posted on 08/02/2016 2:08:45 PM PDT by yuleeyahoo (Those are my principles, and if you do not like them...well I have others. - Groucho Marx)
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“Every member of the military swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. No exceptions; everyone is sworn.

Now, if Obummer tries to remain in office for ONE SECOND after President Trump takes his oath of office, then we are officially in a revolution and it falls upon the military to fulfill their oaths.

I don’t for one second believe Obummer was able to purge every last patriot from our armed forces. Somebody in uniform is probably already thinking about what would need to be done in this case.

Talk about interesting times!”

Amen brother.

76 posted on 08/02/2016 2:09:10 PM PDT by Lions Gate
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To: Elsie
Now after you waste a coupla hours listening to those FANTASTIC!! Jive Aces; you'll come to this...

sincerest form of  flattery...

77 posted on 08/02/2016 2:24:09 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: yuleeyahoo

I love it!

It would be worth GOOD money to see Hillary the Harridan in a cage match with The DONALD!

Shear delight!

78 posted on 08/02/2016 2:26:48 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: Elsie

In this corner; weighting... how heavy were those ankles again???

79 posted on 08/02/2016 2:28:50 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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To: ballplayer

I think after eight very long years, the secret service will more be than happy to show him the door.

Head first.

80 posted on 08/02/2016 2:38:21 PM PDT by AFreeBird (BEST. ELECTION. EVER!)
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