Definitely, when I lived in New York city in the 1990s, Clintons election for 2nd term, they had Clinton goons in my polling place intimidating people to vote for Clinton which is of course illegal, and I got into a huge fight with them, took their table with all the stickers and papers on it and tried to drag it outside, then I called the cops and had them removed under much verbal abuse by the Clinton goons who insisted it was legal....But just figure, that’s in NEW YORK CITY, one of the most liberal cities in the country! There is no need for them to do that, because Democrats always win New York city. So you have to figure, if they are doing that in the liberal cities, I can just imagine what they are doing in the cities that aren’t! It’s a criminal organization, it really is, they have no qualms whatsoever about breaking the law because nobody ever does anything about it! Remember Al Gore and Florida? Trying to get felons to vote, trying to get overseas ballots disqualified, then having Jesse Jackson hold a fake protest about “blacks being turned away from the polls?” They are slime of the slime and we just may see Trumps first real fix for this country by stopping that kind of stuff because you know damn well he ain’t going to stand for that.
As you saw, they leave no stone unturned. They will focus their largest fraud in the battleground swing states, but that wont stop them from fraud in every Zcounty they can muster a presence.