Tempest in a teapot!
Exactly. Much ado about nothing.
The Tempest needs to be shit canned
Absolutely. What finishes Republicans off is not Democrats, its Republicans, they eat their own.
This is such a non-issue. The "plagiarized lines were platitudes that probably go back to the time of Caesar. Not like Michelle had some original thought that would equal "Ask not what your country can do for you?"
And I don't believe anyone who would call for Manafort to be fired is a true Trump supporter. That would be political suicide.
Republicans need to shut up, let the left carry Hillary's water without our help.
That kind of plagiarism of secret national security information is much worse than anything the Trump family could have done
Who the heck are these people that care about this? I mean you have to be the dumbest of the swing voters to let this influence how you vote, it has to be a tiny tiny % of the absolute stupidest voters.
Speeches by spouses are dumb anyhow. I mean come on.
How do you plagiarize universal common sense and truth, such as work hard for what you want, do what you say you will do,
etc? These are things any responsible parent would teach their children, no? This is all a msm-Rat attempt to besmirch Melania and by extention Donald Trump.
You plagiarized that!
If saying "my word is my bond" is plagiarism then 50% of action stories and 100% of Westerns are plagiarized.
Tempest in a teapot!
Yep! This is nothing to get worked up over. Seriously! Compared to the crap Hillary has pulled off this does not even register on the radar.