Yep, I got to where I would fall asleep between cat shots and would never hear another until I woke up 8 hours later.
LOL, I could sleep through an E-2 Hawkeye landing right on top of me...even now I can remember hearing as they approached:
hmmmmmmmmmmHMMMmmmmmmHMMMMMMM as the plane approached
WHAM as they hit
sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss as the cable slithered back across the deck
And click- - - - click- - -click as the cable ticked back and forth, becoming taut on top of the metal thingies that held the cable a few inches off the deck
Yep...funny. Could listen to that and fall asleep and sleep through it! I do remember the first time I heard the national anthem of another country being played in the early morning from the 1MC speaker right above my head in the overhead, made me sit up and I bashed my head.
I got a long wire and poked it through the holes in the metal to puncture the speaker until all it did was vibrate annoyingly. I know that was a bad thing to do, but it did teach me a lesson-on no deployment after that did I ever select the top bunk!!!!