FR mods still try to delete personal attacks as discovered or reported .... pretend to insult me and I’ll prove FR is still civil....:o)
Agree to Disagree politely ...!!
If this primary/election season was like the ones past, on FR, the entire group of Cruzers would have been ZOTTED long ago and NOT just for a day or a week and then allowed to come back.
Being called a "BROWN SHIRT", today, by a Cruzer, is okay, is it? That happened right here on this thread.
It's looooooooooooooooooooooong past time for them to stop this crap. And also patently ridiculous to call me out for posting what I did.
And you're 100% wrong about why the Cruz supporters refused to listen to Trump, or even accept the the facts Trumpers posted about Trump, is because nothing, NOTHING AT ALL, could persuade them about Trump and/or what Cruz did.