As they used to say in Brooklyn...”France? Fahgetaboutit..” France by its own volition entered a post christian neo pagan era of epicurean “multicultural” decadence. It will never again know the security it once knew. All the more reason that NATO is an outdated concept. No American should ever die “defending “ Europe again. Any country that can’t defend its borders, protect their women or preserve their culture is not worth the sacrifice.
photo of truck that drove into the crowd this twitter feed is saying
The guy was shot in the truck.
That last sentence was very well put.
That last sentence was very well put.
“...Any country that cant defend its borders, protect their women or preserve their culture is not worth the sacrifice...”
France? ...or America?
Red White Blue - Keep the order straight.
[To Secure These Rights, governments are instituted among men]
Seems to me that America's Founders were living and acting in the spirit - while France's proletariate was acting in the Flesh: