Hillary has about 2 weeks to turn this around. Personally I don’t think she can do it. The Dems will panic and kick her to the curb.
If Hillary doesn’t get a bounce out of her convention, it ain’t gonna happen.
And that is the week after Trump is officially made the GOP nominee.
This past month she spent $57 million in advertising versus $4 million for Trump...the fat lady is working towards her final crescendo before the end.
Ad Spending Update: Clinton Outspends Trump $57M to $4M
“Hillary has about 2 weeks to turn this around. Personally I dont think she can do it. The Dems will panic and kick her to the curb”
No way, The Clintons have proven they own the DOJ / FBI. The DNC is going to ask Canckles to go away? Not going to happen, they own the DNC as well. They will crash and burn the Rat party before voluntarily giving up power.
That’s why I was shocked when she wasn’t indicted. I was sure as hell she would be just so Democrats could get rid of her, now they are pretty much stuck with her and “kicking her to the curb” is going to be very tough. Good, it’s going to be epic watching Trump obliterate the Clintons
I contend that Trump has two weeks to ruin it.
How can she get back trust in what, less than 4 monts?
After decades of scandal topped by the Comey daming praise.
That monkey might have won this thing or us. Indicting her knocks her out and another contender would have been much harder to beat.
AND he takes shots at her making her plummet.
Bill is old. She’s ugly on the inside and out.
As an ex boxer, this is time to jab hard, but jab and move.
Hillary is running her campaign as if she were locked inside a heavily guarded, isolated fortress where no one is allowed to look inside or ask her any probing questions.
Eventually, she’s going to have to come outside of her protective shell.