White House: America asks too much from police>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Yes, state and local police departments can no longer cope with the riots organized by our Community Organizer try to be president.
Obama’s solution is clear. Every police department in the country needs to be nationalized in order to create a nation wide police force with properly supervised leaders who are federally trained in “racial awareness” and historic justice for the alleged wrongs allegedly committed by the nasty majority of historic white folk ( all members of the KKK apparently) and their morally corrupt descendants, subsequently trained to apply the Civil Rights Act on behalf of all minorities racial and ethnic ( excluding Jews and Asians of course.)
That cluster-f*ck is worse than what the Obama’s predecessor fascists tried to foist on Europe in 1928
with the creation of national police forces in Germany, Italy and Spain.
America should reject such a plan WHOLESALE.
see this comment:
[Excerpt from Dianawest.com] In “The State and Revolution”, V. I. Lenin elaborates on Marx’s plans for a communist world. Lenin saw police as the front line of the enemy — the enemy, of course, being existing society, which had to be destroyed.
...at a certain stage in the development of democracy, it first welds together the class that wages a revolutionary struggle against capitalism — the proletariat — and enables it to crush, smash to smithereens, wipe off the face of the earth the bourgeois, even the republican-bourgeois, state machine — the standing army, the police and the bureaucracy — and to substitute for it a more democratic state machine, but a state machine nevertheless, in the shape of the armed masses of workers who develop into a militia in which the entire population takes part. Replaced by a FEDERAL POLICE STATE!