She's gotten a "bushbaby" for a present.
This was back when the intelligentsia thought that Africa was going to be the next hot growth market for civilization.
Thanks for ruining the thread for me ;-)
I was going to ask if she ever got her bushbaby.
Well I'll be a monkey's uncle (which is OK, I was a chimp off the old block, and married the gorilla my dreams)
Remember the scene well, since I saw the movie at least ten times in theaters, when I was a teen living in Japan in '68. Lost a prospective girl friend over it; took her to see the movie, she was thoroughly confused by it, and probably didn't want to hear my hour-long excitedly-presented explanation. Present wife is the same with the movie, but at least she looked past the nerd to see the person beneath.
Thank you for that bit of trivia. Now, back to politics :-)
I tried to watch it again recently. Sigh. Terrible movie, but has some great visuals.