I hear you loud and clear! I have to admit that part of my worry on this was that she was going down too early and we’d have Plugs/Warren to replace her right at the end with no time to educate the LIVs.
Actually though, Comey did say it was a crime that anyone but a High&Mighty would go down for and then made it clear that she was being protected because she is a High&Mighty.
I think Trump can use snips from Comey’s statements in TV ads which the dipshits WILL actually see... Then when Trump is President, he can proceed with the Clinton Crime Family Foundation AND the email stuff.
I dont fear the current politics of it. I fear the precedent it sets to let off the nations elite for other crimes they commit. Once you lose the rule of law, you are just a nation of men and tyranny comes swiftly. We were already headed down that road and the elites routinely skate for crimes and abuses we the little people would go to jail for.
James Commie isnt close to the first guy to deminish the rule of law in America, but he gave it a hard shove further down that path.
I would much rather suffer through 4 years of a satanic Hitlery presidency spewing her evil witchcraft, than see the rule of law destroyed. I can survive another 4 years of evil Marxists, but I cant survive the continued outright shredding of our God given sacred Constitutional laws. Of course, that usually follows a 4 year reign of terror from evil communists like Hitlery, so it is really one and the same, we cant survive either case.
Man we are so screwed!!!