The MSM had an agenda since before Clinton. They have always controlled our “information” and used sitcoms and MSM and public schools indoctrination to condition children to be so corrupted (incapable of Reason—that they believed sodomy to be a “virtue” and a Natural Right from God.
It is all to control our perceptions and emotions (on purpose)-—to make us incapable of Rationality (seeing Truth (God). Artificial emotions and lies will control how we “think”-—and we will be incapable of “thinking” since all we “know” is lies and misinformation. Now we are so corrupted that most see nothing wrong with the diabolical actions of Hillary.
Without God everything is permissible (Dostoevsky) (and God was erased by the public schools/and Laws in the 60s banning only the “faith” of Christianity and forcing paganism and satanism (sodomy/baby-killing) onto our very young children to corrupt their worldview and destroy the ability to be critical thinkers (have coherent worldview).
Ray Bradbury talked about all the distraction and dog and pony shows and addictions decades ago, which prevented people from knowing anything worth knowing....we were fed White Noise—idiot boxes—to create artificial emotions and irrationality in the masses.
So here we are—a society filled (probably majority now) with useful idiots of the Marxists.
Please keep posting Susie. Shine that light.
Look at the North Koreans - they are true believers. Think it couldn’t happen here? Think again.
Today's occult elite here in America and in Europe are now "coming out of the closet" with respect to their satanic religion and totalitarian intentions (Agenda 21). Consider for example the recent opening ceremony of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland. Attended by Europes most powerful EU elites, the ceremony was a dark, disturbing, weirdly satanic ritual featuring Lucifer, Baphomet, hypnotized workers and temple prostitutes wearing only underwear: