Time to reset the GOP.
Herschel Walker comes to mind as a strong supporter that would be a good one to address the crowd.. and the mobs outside.
You mean I don’t get to hear Scott Walker?
Gotta loe it, implying those who don't speak are "Losers" - and he'd be right.
Anthony Robbins to speak, the Romney clan to walk on hot coals.
CNN practically turned over the microphone for this article to that a$$hole Stuart Stevens (Romney’s diaper changer) who spews his usual Trump-hating horseshit. This isn’t ‘news’, this is just more anti-Trump propaganda from the ‘most distrusted name in news’, the Clinton Newz Network.
I bet diamond and Silk will give a speech..
The GOP Convention might actually be FUN again..instead of seeing RINOS go on TV and spew about how we need to have amnesty for illegals and open our country to rapeugees, we will have people who actually CARE about America speaking..and I hope that Ted Cruz speaks too, its time to UNIFY the party or else Hitlary Clinton will destroy whats left of our great country
Probably not Yeb!. Oh, I don’t know, it’s just a guess...
Other than the very first Convention televised, this one will be the ONE/WON to remember for years to come. With the elimination of the typical political ‘figures’, Mr. Trump has an opportunity to show the public a uniquely different side of the political game and how it is played. He thinks outside the box and the stiffs on stage will be found to have limbered up a bit in the upcoming presentation.
Might he create even more jobs by hiring on a contract basis, the director (person in charge) of the entertainment seen in his vast assorted individual hotels around the world? And what would that particular person feel compelled to do to offer an enjoyable program for all America? No doubt it will be first class and ‘something completely different’ Actually, really look for to this year’s event.
Does Trump even want traitor republicans or RINOs or politicians to speak? I doubt it. Trump is not a politician like the media is use to.
At 91, if he's still lucid have Lee Iacocca speak.
Carl Icahn. Steve Forbes. Sheldon Adelson.
I thought I’d read at FR earlier this week that if they won’t endorse Trump, then Trump told them they don’t get to speak at the convention. I think that’s the way it should be, or they’ll be cowardly enough to say some crap about him. Trump’s right again.
I hope he includes Diamond and Silk as attendees-—they have been behind him since day one.
Patriots are reminded that Republican and GOP are obsolete terms which we now see most often in election years to influence low-information patriot voters.
Note that today’s GOPe should be regarded as the conservative front-end of the corrupt, Constitution-ignoring Washington cartel imo.
They can give me a speaking slot. I’d even fly to Cleveland to do that.
more celebrities than politicians which fits Trump’s style and will garner better ratings. Penn and Teller?