This should be the end of the discussion? But the Donks will stage their sit-in. They should bring the results of this poll into Congressional chambers with them, along with their blankies and binkies.
"Sit on this poll and twirl, Nancy, and you nancy-boys. You might get a thrill?"
Meanwhile, regular joes and josephines obviously think the Constitution is rule of law, over and above opinion to the contrary that it is not actual, binding rule of law.
"But go ahead", I say to the twirling binkie suckers -- "just try and have one of the original articles contained in the Bill of Rights done away with. If you dare that, we might just have us a Constitutional Convention which opening stanzas could include the States joining together to unanimously dissolve the present-day Federal government, and start all over."
The Constitution cannot be amended without the States ratification. If we are forced to begin traveling that road...we might just carry the Federals where they may not wish to go.
Succession, hell. Let's just do away with tyrannical bureaucrats. Fire them all, force them all to re-apply for their jobs. I'd guess that a great many Federal agencies would simply disappear, while many others shrank down to more justifiable, manageable size.
Well we got no choice
All the girls and boys
Makin all that noise
'Cause they found new toys
Well we can't salute ya
Can't find a flag
If that don't suit ya
That's a drag
ping to Salamader just 'cuz she's "evil".
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