524k votes
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Create pollUp from 472 thousand votes, 92% in support of 2nd Amendment, to 525K total votes, and now, 93% of those answering the question;
"Do you think people should be allowed to carry guns in public?
chose the answer;
Yes! The Second Amendment guarantees it.
Yes! The Second Amendment guarantees it. Got admit it's getting better, a little better all the time (it can't get no worse)(?).
Sorry for the song lyric quote, I don't really believe the Beatles all that much...
The Democrat representatives planning on staging an "Occupy" on the floor of House of Representatives want to oppose overwhelming majority, popular viewpoint of the people.
Don't the Republicans now hold majority in the House and Senate? Should it HAVE TO take holding both the Legislative and Executive branches of government to keep a minority within government from contravening the U.S. Constitution? Ho-Lee Sum Ting Wong, Batman.
Of course the binkie-sucking Democrats will always turn to the Judicial branch, when all else fails.