“Cheating is the only way theyll win.”
Hillary started with the cattle futures.
Would we even remember WJC if not for Perot?
That ####!!!!
and he OUTSOURCED BIG TIME two years ago!!!! That sucking sound was him @#$ @#$@#$ @#$@#$!!!!
that fraud.
Bush was what he was, but he was Way better than clinton.
100k off of 1k right?
I had coffee options to sell and BACK to BACK frosts hit Brazil. limit up 3 days!!!
That’s a one in a MILLION occurance and I made 3500 percent, it was a miracle!! (Blew it all anyway cause i’m degenerate trader so i stopped.)
she made 10,000 percent!!!!!!!! on a normal month!!!! Wonder wha the real story was behind that