Mexican is not a race, it is a nationality.
God Himself established the institution of nationality. It may be a blessing for believers and unbelievers alike, provided they respect the legitimate authority within the institution.
Trump merely identifies the authority of our nation is not being respected by our neighbors and proposes to enforce our borders. Such is not a policy of racism, but of national defense.
Opposition to radical Islam is not racist. It is a common sensical approach to national defense, without ignoring the threats posed and expressed by Islamic leaders against the West. Refusal to recognize the threat to our national security posed by radical Islam is ignorant of Muslim theology, as well as what God provides in His Word.
Evangelicals support both positions by Trump to defend our borders from Islamic invasion and illegal immigration from Mexico.
You are absolutely correct that Mexican is not a race anymore than Scottish, Irish, Somalian, or Korean. Hispanic is not a race either for that matter; it is an ethnic group. Muslim, of course, is not a race as it is a religion, and any person can join a religion. As I was writing my response, I was going to put that in, and I forgot. Thanks for bringing that point up. That’s another big dent in the premise of the Post’s article. The whole premise was assuming he was racist and going from there with no one to counter it.