Saying it don’t make it so. Is that a Obama law?
No it is the law of war consistently applied over 10,000 years of human civilization. The winning force imposes its will on the losers.
I’m a 7th generation Texan. I feel your pain. The fact is that my ancestors fought a war, lost, and an invading army then descended upon the South and imposed the will of the Norhern states.
Please refer to Texas v White (1869).
1. If Texas votes to succeed it will become the most populated state by a large margin in a matter of months.
2. There is plenty of land available and new home starts will be the highest in history.
3. Companies will flock there in droves thanks to a lack of endless government beuracracy and punishing taxes. In 5 years it will be the most prosperous country on earth. Everyone who can work will work and will be required to invest a good portion of their in me for retirement. If injured or become too sick to work they will received assistance which will not be open ended and will be closely monitored.
3. One of the first actions by this young country, New Texas, will be to form an Army to immediately enforce and protect its borders, in ALL directions.
4. A “wall” will be constructed primarily of lead, with depleted uranium occasionally based on the threat, and will not be a solid wall but rather a moving wall traveling in sections ranging from approximately 55 to 500 grains in weight and this wall WILL NOT be allowed to discriminate. If invader is detected the wall will eliminate the threat.
5. Within 10 years all the rest of the area formerly know as CONUS will beg to joint New Texas and all except the west coast and northeast will be allowed to join under very strict rules of behavior and compliance.
6. Members of the old mainstream media will be foresee to retrain because the only media will be Drudge Report and Free Republic.