The best any Republican candidate has done among Jewish voters in my lifetime was Reagan's 39% in 1980. Since then, we've seen the following disgraceful idiocy among these "average Jews" in the U.S.:
1984 -- Reagan 31% (yes, Jews were more likely to vote for Reagan against Carter than in that landslide against Mondale)
1988 -- Bush 35%
1992 -- Bush 11% (Jews came out in droves for that racist Southerner)
1996 -- Dole 16% (some Jews probably felt betrayed when Clinton signed most of Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" into law)
2000 -- Bush 19%
2004 -- Bush 24%
2008 -- McCain 22%
2012 -- Romney 30%
With a voting record like that, I'd say we should be encouraging them to move to Europe.
Your post has merit. But I’m looking at it from a social and not a political, point of view. Jews make good neighbors.
(There I go generalizing again.)