In what was once one of the most high-income, modern and "developed" countries of the Americas.
Whaddaya mean, “As Washington stands by”?
It has zero to do with us. Zero.
Is the electricity still iffy there or has it rained enough there to get that lake up enough to run the hydro-plants.
Let us not forget that Venezuelans got the form of government that they voted for. They must feel the bern of their choice. If they don’t feel the bern good and hard, they will go right back to socialism once sufficient outside resources are made available to them.
That is the very nature of socialism: socialism destroys the price signal in the economy by government edict. Without being able to know what things cost to make, nobody can know how much they must be sold for. Without profit, assets are consumed. Without assets, no new goods can be created.
So of course it is almost redundant to say that the country is on the brink of famine and the country has no working economy. Socialism can only function when it can access outside resources that make up for the resources that are destroyed by the effect of the socialist government policies.
Will Obama invade?
As the Venezuelan people begin to die like flies—still no criticism of Socialism from Bergoglio.
Bernie supporters: “Let’s make America Venezuela!” Ber-NIE! Ber-NIE!
Somewhere in past days saw a reference to commerce occurring cross border, farmers selling in neighboring countries, using another countries currency($-?) for all transactions. Whomever is controlling border traffic must be aware, if not fostering this for a percentage.
The next likely power block in the country may well coalesce from this border region.
Bill Microsoft (can’t remember his real last name, think I’m loosing my memory) tried sending a million chickens to poor families in some Central or South American nation which refused the chickens because they considered it an insult as there were all ready a thriving poultry industry in their country. So why doesn’t he send them to Venezuela, instead?
If there’s nothing in it for me, why should I bother to plant, raise and harvest more than my own family and circle of friends needs?