Now, we need to get the world to ban the playing of Stairway to Heaven. Here's the way to get the leftists to add it to their "ban" list:
- Stairway to Heaven discusses heaven.
- Heaven is a religious construct.
- Religion cannot be discussed in publicly funded spaces
- Therefore it must be banned in all national parks, govt buildings, etc.
- Also religion is offensive and non-inclusive to gays.
- Playing "Stairway to Heaven" is therefore a hate crime.
- It must also therefore be banned from all public spaces.
- "Led Zeppelin" indicates the possible use of lead, a known poison. OSHA regulations would prevent the playing of Stairway to Heaven in the workplace for worker safety
- "Stairway to Heaven" must be also be regulated by the EPA
- Some may choose to still listen to this hateful and poisonous song but their insurance rates will necessarily skyrocket due to the dangers to themselves and society.
There you go, banned in public spaces, banned in private workplaces, regulated, taxed, and fined. After a few months, the leftists offer the finishing blow: Ban!
It's how they do things.