I wonder if they owned a couple of Pablo Picasso’s famous paintings if they would be allowed to destroy them?
Exactly. Lots of poor kids or families would be very happy to have these firearms for hunting, gun training, collections. It’s an absolute disgrace to destroy them. I don’t know how many of them are of collectible quality, but in that case there is also the problem of destroying art and history. These are very ignorant liberal jackasses.
Actually I don’t know how you could prevent the legal owner destroying any artwork.
It is stupid beyond belief but these idiots can destroy all the firearms—and be taxed on the market value I hope.
The deceased wasn’t exactly a genius ,just a wealthy paranoid eccentric with a fiancee that left his dead body in a parked car??!! plus didn’t call for EMTs???? never mind he said no,you get help anyway if you truly care.