Why bother? What should be done at this point is investigations on how to re-call these dirtbags in the uni-party. Anyone want to wager on how many of them are going to switch parties (as though there are really “party’s” anymore) after Trump is elected?
By the way you cannot block a sale with out Notice hearing and due process. These communists want to disarm us by just putting you on a list. That is not the American way!!What a joke. “A list” ?? How about an adjudication and due process.???
Just tried calling his office. It’s experiencing a high volume of calls, said to visit website and hung up.
What...what the #### does that mean? Deny terrorists guns? and cars? and swords? and knives? and razoor blades? and bats?
WTH happened to this country.
Deny them guns, buy killing them all and deny them any weapons by deporting the ones here, letting no others in, and cutting money oil supply off from ISIS, which Russia did.
The GOP-e: supporting the 0bama agenda.
McConnell was a sell-out from way back but almost nobody except Ted Cruz had the guts to call him on it.
Don’t bother calling McConnell’s office. It will be a waste of time as he doesn’t give a crap what the people think.
CALL Trump offices around the country and tell him to stand firm, or he will not get your vote in November.
That might wake up his handlers/advisors and others in the loop.
In wartime (and this IS war) due process for the suspected enemy — Muslims — must not be the neurotic focus, although it must be intact for those clearly having no association with Islam.
Notice that we had no series of Kamikaze attacks here on our soil after Pearl Harbor. That was because we justifiably rounded up the Issei and Nisei, and denied them due process, because war energency warranted it.
Notice also that since 9/11, we’ve had Sgt. Akbar, Little Rock, Chattanooga, Times Square, Jose Padilla, Richard Reid, Times Square, Ft. Dix Six, Ft. Hood, Boston Marathon, Garland, San Bernardino, Orlando, and countless other jihad incidents across the land.
This IS war emergency. No due process for the enemy nor the enemy’s extended familial/cultural support network.