Good Riddance RINO!!
Well, Trump endorsed. He even recorded a robo message for phone calls on her behalf. When asked why he endorsed her, Trump said that she was the first congressman to endorse him. She is open borders and everything else. God help us with Trump.
Trump wanted a token woman who could negate Paul Ryan.
Especially someone close to leadership.
Trump has been shunned by every woman in GOP office. Not because he’s sexist, but because most of them are RINO morons.
Ayotte, McMorris, Collins, Haley, Martinez. All goofy.
Have any of these morons “wrecked” Hillary or Warren?
Deb Fischer politely aggravated McCain when he was pushing amnesty. But she’s doesn’t get on tv with Lindsey & Ayotte.
Good bye and good riddance.
Bye Bye RINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ellmers lost mainly because of re-districting her mostly into the other incumbents district. Nothing more, nothing less. As you should be aware, incumbents get re-elected 90%+.
Yet they still think open borders is a winning issue.