True that! I don’t think it’s raining any more so I guess they’ll dry off and be happy kitties by morning.
If I let them in now....I’ll be up and down with them all night long. Wanting this, wanting that, wanting attention when all I want is sleep.
They will be fine. They always are. :)
They probably made a beeline for the shed when they heard the rain coming. That’s what ours do when they’re outside and it rains. There are several outbuildings close by to choose from.
They won’t melt if they get a little damp. They just get a little miffed. LOL!
Our outside cats aren’t happy that they have to be inside at night nowadays. They want to go out to wander but that’s what’s killed too many over the years. Coyotes love kitty snacks. GRRRRR!! And there are too many of them around here now.