Love to see Trump ask, "George. When you worked for the Clintons, what exactly were your duties as a charter member of Hillary Clinton's Bimbo Eruption team?"
VINTAGE TIME COVER The Clintons leave the WH
arm-in-arm after Bill got lewinskied. Plotting to exploit
Bill's BJ for votes, the Clintons' political apparat never falters.
Hillary later went on network TV all decked out in virginal pearls,
denying everything, blaming Billy's B/J on "an invention of
the VRWC." Bill later admitted to it, was impeached, and disbarred.
One Clinton lies and the other swears to it.
"I never had sexual relations with that woman...Miss Lewinsky."
Pres Clinton was a tax-paid employee using tax -paid offices .....
but the sucker claimed it was his business what he did there.