Bubba thinks you bad old Freepers should quit trying to sucker punch the old, drunken, corrupt, bisexual, evil, sick witch just because you are scared of her ... and stop bringing up Vince Foster.
What’s the reverse of teflon?
Hillary Clinton. Everything sticks. ;-)
Bill “full of $hit” Clinton is running out of road.
an aside, re: “delegitimize”
One of the worst things that GHW Bush and GW Bush did wrt to Bill Clinton was to RE-legitimize him after 2001, when he should have been shunned as a disgraced, impeached former President who had ended his term with those outrageous pardons etc. Instead of treating him as persona non grata, the Bushes actively embraced him to make him just another former President, a member in good standing of the ex-Presidents’ Club.
Bill the syphilitic scarecrow is projecting again.
According to one CNN report, 14 have identified themselves as victims of Bill Clinton’s sex attacks and abuse.
Bill Clinton = rapist
I’ve been saying things about Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton since the 90’s, and have JUST ditched-and-switched FROM Libertarian to Republican a mere six months ago, so for the Sexfiend Bill to say that I’ve been a Republican, saying all those things, is a lie.
Pot, meet kettle..