I Just Called Home Depot corporate office in Atlanta Georgia to Lodge a complaint about this young woman who wore the Hat stating that America was never great I just called Home Depot corporate office in Atlanta Georgia to lodge a complaint about this young woman who wore the hat stating that America was never great.
if you’re not aware of this Home Depot did come out against what she did and said that they have a policy which forbids the wearing of any clothing or emblem promoting a political party or ideology. The problem is the girl the came out just afterwards and said she would be wearing this hat to work again.
I called Home Depot to tell them I would not be going to the store anymore until I heard them make a statement about what this girl has just threatened to do. They informed me that they would and they said that their office has been swamped with phone calls all day today and yesterday and that they intend to move to make a statement shortly
Thank you for your report, am looking forward as to what they say.
Allsorry about spelling etc. Using speech to text.