She wont be back at her nightly Gig when her contract expires. She has aspirations to be the next Barbara Walters AKA: Barbara WAWA.
I wish Mr. Trump wasn’t such a nice man sometimes and hadn’t agreed to grant her this interview. She only went to Trump Tower to finagle him for one reason: RATINGS!!! Without him, her new show would suck and nobody (including me) would bother watching. Tonight, I will tune in, hoping he is the first of the four interviewees and then change the channel. I dread having to suffer through a tantalizing wait to see Trump and tolerate her.
He should not have given her the satisfaction. She was not sincere and has perpetrated herself as a victim, whom we should feel pity.
Last night, her regular show was pretty much another anti-Trump his job—and she even had the gall to invite Donald Trump, Jr. on, who, like his father, is too much of a good sport. Once his interview ended, I left until Hannity came on.