McCrory is hanging tough on this....
Way to go Pat!!!!!
Smart move, McCrory! Drag this sumbich out until AFTER the Godless Christian-killers leave office. For him to redirect to CONGRESS and not the Godless Christian-killers in the White Mosque is a stroke of brilliance. How refreshing to see a man with BALLS go up against the Godless Christian-killers, head on!!!
From the article:
“”I’m surprised that they’re taking it this far,” said Mr. Stranglio, who is one of the lawyers working on a lawsuit that the A.C.L.U.”
Uhh, excuse me but, it is you who are surprising most of the country by taking things too far.
So, if I self identify as a narcissistic socialist black male can I use the White House bathroom?
I think they just told Obama that he is talking out of his ass.
the ‘educated elites’ on left... so ‘educated’ they believe you can change your DNA by placing two bags of silicon on your chest
you’ll pardon me if i disregard anything and everything they say passed that point.
She’s speaking now.
I want to throw a shoe at my TV screen so bad!!!!!!!!
I HATE the yellow-journalists of the liberal MSM, especially the NY Slimes. Note the bias in the opening sentence, above. It was the Justice Department that decided on their own that the Civil Rights Act now extends to a new class of individuals never included, or even contemplated by Congress at the time. Nor by any legal precedent set since. But somehow it is Gov. McCrory that "escalated" the issue?? The (in)Justice Department isn't a court. They don't decide the law, and they don't make the law: they enforce it. Hopefully the 4th District Court sends the Lynch/Obama despots packing.
(btw - note how fast the Justice Department can move when motivated? Less than 6 hours from the NC suit against them before they file their countersuit. But with Hillary's illegal and grossly negligent use of a home server? How long has that been going on?)
There is no Federal law demanding men be permitted in women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. The title to the article is a lie.