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As I said yesterday my dad had a tape of the radio broadcast. (Everyone was looking for the man from the grassy knoll for a significant time). Dad who was a genius and lawyer thought the reason they would not open the records had to do with material only they and the man from knoll would know Sis called as soon as it became public to remind me of dads recording. First thing she said was my exact thought. We finally know who the man on grassy knoll is ..... Wonder if he was ever in any pictures.

371 posted on 05/07/2016 12:11:18 PM PDT by hoosiermama (W1240 (a couple extra to boot) Under budget. Ahead of schedule! Go TRUMP)
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To: hoosiermama

I don’t know if this is tinfoil stuff but when I saw the video of Bush SR grinning when he mentioned the assassination of JFK...
It was creepy and maybe telling.

395 posted on 05/07/2016 12:25:08 PM PDT by weston (As far as I'm concerned, it's Christ or nothing!)
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To: hoosiermama

Check out what kind of rifle was used....

As his multi-million dollar empire began to fall apart in 1962, the well-connected Estes became a political liability to the Kennedy administration. President Kennedy himself had to publicly say that the Justice Dept. would get to the bottom of the Estes shenanigans.

Yet, as investigators dug into his labyrinthine schemes, they ended up dead — seven of them in fact; the majority dubiously ruled to be suicide. One victim’s “suicide” included five shots from a bolt action rifle.

In the early 1980s, after serving four years for tax fraud, Estes told Justice Dept. officials that not only did some his ill-gotten proceeds go to LBJ, but that LBJ ordered the investigator murders to avoid being connected to the kickbacks. Estes also said that he knew that LBJ orchestrated the JFK assassination, pointing to LBJ henchman Malcolm Wallace as a triggerman in both the investigator and the JFK killings.

(In 1951, Wallace narrowly avoided execution — getting instead a suspended sentence — for a murder he committed in Texas. In 1998 assassination investigator Walt Brown claimed that a mystery fingerprint taken from a box in the 6th Floor “sniper’s den” matched Wallace’s.)

410 posted on 05/07/2016 12:31:31 PM PDT by DAVEY CROCKETT (Cards are being played, you have been Trumped! TRUMP 2016!)
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