I agree with VDH quite a bit when I read his articles.
We do need lower taxes, smaller government, more free commerce, and more freedom and responsibility.
The problem with the NRO, the MSM, and the powerful of both political parties is that in fighting so hard for new voters they ignored the base voters in the middle class. The Dems and Pubs have promised much but delivered less than nothing. The middle class is pissed and, one way or the other, they are going to get it. Their will will be wrought now or later, easy or hard, peaceful or bloody.
One of the things that pisses me off the most about the existing political structures and the media is that they have let that stupid ignorant affirmative action unqualified bastard get away with *LYING* about inflation.
Food prices have doubled since that F***ing idiot was put up there just because he's "black." Everybody acts as if inflation is under control, but it is the worst i've ever seen it in my life.
But because Lying Sh*tHead Dumbo controls who puts out the numbers, we get fake numbers that no body ever seems to challenge.
And the media just spread those lies.