‘If Rove is really that stupid, you wonder how anyone ever won with him as a guide.’
The only reason Kerry didn’t best Bush/Rove was the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth. Recall, too, that Rove never had a civil word for the SVfT. He thought they were too divisive.
best = beat
The Swift Boat Veterans were my favorite part of that entire campaign.
They gave rise to the jokes about Kerry on clandestine missions up nameless tributaries, rivers, nations.
Just reporting for duty, ya know. :>)
“I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and have the president of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared — seared — in me.”
However seared he was, Kerry’s spokesmen now say his memory was faulty. When the Swift boat veterans who oppose Kerry presented statements from his commanders and members of his unit denying that his boat entered Cambodia
True. Rove almost lost that election to Kerry!