“Regarding the punishment, let's face it the Patriots have gotten away with murder and Goodell covered for them. He burned the spygate tapes”
I think part of the reason Goodell went after Brady so dishonestly was because of spygate.
But in this case Brady did not do anything illegal. He would not want someone screwing around with the footballs instead of have them consistent.
The Ideal Gas Law and the two different gauges explains the difference in psi.
It's possible that Brady in fact did no wrong. This time. Personally I think he did. But that notwithstanding, the righteous indignation from him is hard to take given his prior involvement in epic cheating that he got away with. And like I said, some will argue he didn't know and simply benefited from the coaches rotten ways but he was directly involved with a second radio frequency in his helmet so the coaches could talk to him directly even during plays to point out open receivers! This was discovered because the Steelers overheard the second frequency due to crosstalk and Doug Flutie confirmed he picked up a Patriots helmet during a game and heard it as well. Brady not only knew, he participated. And he got away with it because the league covered it up for him. So his holier than thou act now is very irritating.