Here is the problem on this forum. Nobody is willing to hold their candidate’s feet to the fire. They make excuses when they stray from the reservation and they hold their opponents to a standard they would never hold for their own candidate.
I’m resigned to the fact that Trump is going to win the nomination. He knows he has it in the bag and he has now begun his hard turn to the left in order to appeal to the basest elements of our corrupt and wayward society.
I frankly don’t believe that in this current culture a Moral Christian Conservative could be elected president. The entire culture has gone down the toilet on issues of Abortion, Homo Marriage, bathroom choice.... whatever.
But it is not the candidates problem that they have to lie to us to get the nomination. It is our problem. Conservatives are no longer an effective voice in politics. We do not hold our candidates to any moral standard, instead we make excuses for them. We do not come to the rescue of people who are punished for holding religious values to heart and instead we just look the other way and say, “we have bigger fish to fry” than a couple of bakers or photographers or perverts who want to use the other sex’s bathrooms and lockers.
Again we cannot make America Great Again if we abandon the values that made us great in the first place. But as a Nation we have not only abandoned the values that we held which made us great, but we have rejected them completely and turned those values into hate crimes and embraced the very culture that will bring us down.
However, this North Carolina thing isn't that simple. First off, let's concede that nobody wants a creepy old man in a woman's bathroom.
But the North Carolina law would require "transgender" men to use a ladies room. And that doesn't seem right either. It's a very confusing situation to traditional people like ourselves. It's an odd world.
Anyway, where does this person pee? North Carolina says it's the ladies room.
Some are so blinded by their hatred of the other guy they can't even see their guy anymore.
Sick of all this crap and lies put out on here by some thinking it protects their guy while attacking the other.
One freeper is sop outraged by the bathroom talk of Trump that he or she forgets that they were defending this when cruz;s daughter mentioned he dressed as a woman or should I say he had women clothes on.